About Us

Since 2000, JESSICA has been the leading platform for women's empowerment in Hong Kong, inspiring and connecting influential women and aspiring successful women across the globe.

As the biggest women's platform powered by community, JESSICA celebrates and recognizes the achievements of women who are making a positive impact in the world. We provide a space for them to share their insights, experiences, and practical life hacks that empower our audience to achieve their life goals. Our mission is to be a life-journey partner for women, offering thought-provoking content and exclusive networking opportunities that cater to the needs of modern-day women in each chapter of their life story.

Through JESSICA and the JES NETWORK community, we aim to empower, inspire, and connect a new generation of career- and well-being-conscious women. We are committed to delivering on this mission as a platform that understands and provides for the needs of women across all aspects of life. Join us as we continue to champion women's empowerment and create a safe space for women and their supporters to collaborate, grow, and succeed together.




  • 透過多元化渠道的多媒體平台,與我們的目標受眾、客戶及社會連接。
  • 頒發「成功女性」(Most Successful Women)、「超卓女性」(Iconic Women)和「傑出女性」(Women of Excellence)等年度獎項,以聯繫香港、中國及台灣等地具影響力的女性。 
  • 從關注香港本地社區,擴展至大灣區及大中華區。 

「成功女性大獎」(Most Successful Women)

自2000年起,《旭茉JESSICA》向香港及大中華地區的女性頒發「成功女性大獎」,以表揚她們的個人成就和對社會的傑出貢獻。 此獎項忠於《旭茉JESSICA》品牌的核心基因,旨在表彰和培養女性對香港和大中華區的成就和貢獻。 近年《旭茉JESSICA》增添「超卓女性」(Iconic Women)和「傑出女性」(Women of Excellence)兩項年度獎項,以表彰她們在各自行業和學科中,成為先驅者的職業女性。